光と風そして風土Light , Wind and Climate
We create houses where you can live while feeling the nature unique to Okinawa where the climate is subtropical.You can feel light and breeze, the changes of nature every day.Like good wine ,the atmosphere will improve with use over time and getting more comfortable.That is the base concept of energy saving housing that coexists with nature.
There are as many types of housing as there are livelihoods.Not limited to family composition and budget, it changes in various ways depending on the family's ideas and lifestyles.Having many meetings with clients on designing brings the best design.There are three points in our designing.

01コンクリートの中に木造を創るCreate a wooden- concrete hybrid structure

Okinawa's traditional houses are made of wood.
The eaves are kept low, the hipped roof is covered with red tiles sticked with mortar, stone walls surround the four sides, and a windbreak forest of Fukugi trees is planted. These created a great home and gathered a lot of traditional unique ideas.

The house we propose to design is a hybrid house that incorporates the strength of wood in concrete structure. The exterior is made of highly durable reinforced concrete that can withstand typhoons and earthquakes.

We will create a large interior with a two-story atrium made of concrete , a wooden internal space inserted inside with a wooden frame in it. It creates a gentle wooden living space with the warmth of wood.

Wooden spaces are relatively easy to rearrange If you change the arrangement, partitions , interiors and update the facilities, it will be reborn as a new house.While maintaining such a strong concrete structure, the interior can be arranged according to changes in lifestyles and family structures over time, creating a long lasting home that many generations can treasure .
02雨端(アマハジ)テラスが生み出す豊かな暮らしAbundant life created by Amahaji Terrace

Amahaji refer to the space under the eaves of a traditional house.It is an intermediate area beyond the edge of the engawa(veranda), neither inside nor outside.The eaves of a traditional house are always open, allowing the breeze to pass through, and the pleasant shade reduces the heat .The eaves keep the space open even on rainy days.

Amahaji is open to the outside, with no clear walls separating the inside from the outside. At the same time, Amahaji plays the role of a structure that effortlessly transforms even the harsh external environment into a comfortable living environment. As a buffer zone between the outside environment and the inside,Amahaji becomes a very effective space from an ecological point of view.

Therefore, we propose the Amahaji Terrace, which is a reference to the Amahaji space in the home. It is a terrace space which keeps privacy from disturbing others. It can be opened wide and function as an outdoor living room where you can enjoy barbecue and cool evening. In Okinawa, where it is warm even in winter, the outside space of the terrace is an important one that will gives your life variety all year round.
03緑の屋根、緑のカーテン(緑との共生)Green roofs, green curtains, symbiosis with greenery

I think plants are the best natural materials which can be used to reduce the heat generated by the sunshine. Artificial materials deteriorate over time due to exposure to sunlight, but greenery grows everyday.

Plants planted in and around the buildings are suitable materials for saving energy. Since most of them contain water, the evapotranspiration itself also provides a cooling effect.

Okinawa has colorful flowers and greenery. Greening the building with them creates tropical landscape. From the viewpoint of energy saving and landscape, the greening of the roof surface has a large heat insulation effect. Greening wall is also very useful for cooling down buildings and designing landscape.